Honda S-2000 Shipment from Long Beach to San Antonio

M. Bensen Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 6/6/2007 4:06:00 PM
I shipped my Honda S2000 from Hawaii to Long Beach CA via Matson and was exteremly satisfied with Specialty Mobiles service from Long Beach to San Antonio, TX. As you can imagine; I was concerned about who would transport my vehicle considering I would not be able to personally hand off the vehicle from Matson to the overland transport company. My only comment is that I did not receive notification from their driver after he picked up my vehicle from Matson with an estimated delivery date at my home in San Antonio. Minor issue considering once I contacted their home office; they were able to confirm delivery. I will use Specialty Mobile again in the future if I need to transport a vehicle; especially if I am not able to personally hand the vehicle over to their transport driver. A bonus was they gave a military discount even to an Air Force civilian employee such as myself. Bottom line; I highly recommmend Specialty Mobile Systems.