Outstanding Service - Thank you Specialty Moble Systems

Tom Benson Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 5/11/2007 6:48:00 PM
The staff at Speciaity was a real pleasure to work with during this transaction. They did an excellent job of schedulling the pickup of my Mustang and kept me completely informed during the process. There were no "hidden charges or conditions". They selected an outstanding carrier to handle the shipment.

The driver/owner who transported my restored 65 Convertible was very personable and a real pleasure to work with in scheduling the pickup and delivery. He kept his committments and took exceptional care in securing the car for shipment. His truck and trailer were clean and in excellent condition. I would strongly recommend him to anyone.

In this day of shoddy service, it was a real pleasure to work with this exceptional company and carrier and receive such a high level of customer service.