What you hear is what they do

Lakshminarayanan Alagarsamy Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 5/9/2007 8:45:00 PM
I was skeptical about which company to choose to ship my 2004 Nissan Sentra. By looking at the many reviews, i thought SMS is the one to go with.

I was kind of doubtful by seeing only the positive responses every where i looked for the review. In fact i was suspicious whether SMS guys go to every site and give themselves a positive review.

When i came to know that friend of mine used SMS i was ready to go with SMS.

I was in a urgency to ship my car from Milford, CT since i got a job in Sandy, UT. I wanted to ship my car out of Milford ASAP since if i move t here is no one else to help me shipping my car in my absense. I told this to Amy and gave a note in the Quote too...

To my surprise on Monday morning i got a call that my car will be picked up on Monday evening. The carrier was alphinetransports.com based in Sandy. He came to my home on time and picked it up. He told me that he can deliver the car once i get down in the airport in Salt Lake. I did not like that since i thought i may not notice any damage in the airport while picking up the car.

My car reached Sandy on Friday before i came here . They hold on to that car till i reached Sandy on Sunday. The driver came and gave me the car. No issues. No damages. The only thing that bothered me was the car was driven for 50 miles and the gas tank was empty. It was lot of dirt.

But i do not think SMS is resposible for any of those.

Overall it is a very happy ending. Will definitely use SMS in case if i have to ship my car. No doubt.