East to West Transport

michael Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 11/25/2008 1:04:00 AM
Great service overall. I didn’t know anything about transporting a car from east coast to west coast and I found Specialty Mobile on Transport Reviews website. The customer service representative, Dee, was very helpful and informative in making a smooth process for a first time customer, myself. I received my car as scheduled with no problem. However, when they scheduled a date and time for picking up my car, there was no confirmation phone call prior. I had to make the call. On the scheduled day, they didn’t show up on during the time period. There was no courtesy call to inform me about being late so I had to call. Then I had to stay at home and wait for another time period. They finally showed up in the evening. I lost a whole day for them. I understand Specialty Mobile handles many transports but I hope they will improve their communication system.