Highly Recommended Specialty Mobile Systems

Scott Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 10/24/2008 5:42:00 AM
This is the second time that have had my corvette moved across the country. I was very satisfied with the other carrier that I had previously used and was tempted not to look elsewhere for this second move; however, I am very glad that in the end I decided to shop around as I had some very tight time frames to get my special lady moved. I checked out multiple websites and looked over countless reviews and started making calls Specialty Mobile Systems out of Ohio was the fourth transporter that I called - a few minutes on the phone with the office staff and I knew that I had found the right company! SMS started right away to work at meeting my tight time frames and understood from the start just how particular I am and how much the care and saftey of my lady meant to me. They worked out a schedule to fit my timeframes and even delivered the car early, in perfect condition. I couldn't have been more pleased with the results.
SMS owns their own trucks, is fully insured and does not do any subcontracting. This was important to me as I wanted to deal directly with the entity that would be moving the car and not some intermediary. I particularly liked the fact that I could speak to the owner directly. I also found their service to be very competitivly priced. The transport driver was friendly, courteous and above all knowledable.
It sure was a pleasure to deal with these folks and while I hope that I can stay put for a few years before I have to move again -SMS will be the carrier of choice for me the next time around.