Next Day Shipment from AR to OH!!!

Mike Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 10/17/2008 11:21:00 PM
I called Speciality Mobile systems because they were ranked highly on this site and becuase they were out of Ohio where I am at. I read several of their reviews and felt comfortable enough to call them. I called them on a Saturday morning thinking I would talk to them personally and see what kind of time frame it would take to get my 1972 Blazer from Arkansas to Ohio. After a brief phone conversation and agreeing to use them, I received a phone call 15 minutes later asking if one of their drivers could pick up my vehicle in Arkansas in 2.5hours. No joke...I called Saturday morning and my vehicle was delivered to my door the next day from Arkansas! Price was near the bottom of all the quotes I received. Transaction was completely professional and friendly. I would recommend them to anyone!