SMS -> Pioneer. Good Job !!

Bikash Agarwalla Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 9/2/2008 1:13:00 AM
First the good part, they picked up my car right on time and delivered it in a short amount of time (9 days for NJ-CA transport). The rate was as quoted (no hidden charges). The delivery and pickup was prompt. I was on a tight schedule (was leaving NJ within a week and needed the car picked up), they were the only transport company who had a decent review on this site and were available to do the work.

The not-so-good part, (i) the car was dirty when delivered, I had to take it for cleaning. (ii) It was not clear up until I placed order with them that they were going to "outsource" my delivery to Pioneer Auto. Given how much bad review Pioneer has on this site, I wouldn't have picked them or contacted Pioneer directly had I known this before placing order.

I had overall a good experience. YMMV.