They made it easy

P Krause Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 8/9/2008 3:11:00 PM
I had concerns about this whole process. I like to be in control of situations and this process makes you give up control to quite an extent. I researched and based on the reviews went with Specialty Mobile. I made a couple of phone inquiries asking questions, but also just feeling them out. I decided to go with them and the rest just took care of itself! I got contacted in short order with the carrier's particulars and the dates of pickup and delivery. The delivery was a couple of days late, but that was due to the carrier and not Specialty and even that wasn't a big deal (in my case). Apparently the carrier had some 'gotta do it now' pickups and / or deliveries. At the end of the day, I was very pleased overall. Thanks to Dee and the rest of the good folks at Specialty Mobile Systems.