Subcontracted to Pioneer which resulted in a horrible experience

R. Kim Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 7/4/2008 4:23:00 PM
My main complaints about Specialty Mobile is that they (1) they handed me off to a horrible shipping company with horrible reviews on this website (Pioneer) and (2) they are horrible communicators--emails and phone calls were not returned.

Company Response
Amy from Specialty Mobile Systems Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/5/2008 1:14:00 PM
We at Specialty Mobile apologize for this customer’s horrible experience. We did in fact communicate with this customer; numerous phone calls were made to this customer from several reps in our office and Pioneer’s. It was requested by this customer to have his vehicle picked up on a specific date which did indeed happen; typically we have to work with a pickup window of 1 – 10 days. Normal transport time from Connecticut to California is 10 – 12 days, in this particular move it was actually 14 days and the customer was contacted regarding the delay. The vehicle arrived in the same condition that it was shipped. Amy/Specialty Mobile