AZ to NE

AZ Mover Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 5/29/2008 5:50:00 PM
Everything worked smoothly except miscommunications from Specialty to driver and the overoptimistic pick up and drop dates/times by the driver. After I was notified by phone that the pickup was to be made on a Wednesday, I called the driver to coordinate and he said that he had not received fax information from Specialty in time so he couldn't pick up til Friday. Don't know where the blame lies there.

On Friday, driver had indicated early to midafternoon pickup. Several phone calls later saying it would be in an hour or so, finally picked up at 10PM. Same at delivery end...driver indicated a Sunday night/Monday morning delivery, but did not deliver until Monday early evening.

These were relatively minor hiccups in an otherwise smooth transaction. Vehicile arrived in fine condition and everyone was very nice and apologetic about the miscommunications/delays.