Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems Review made Live: 10/22/2007 12:45:00 PM
Both the company rep and contracted carrier's driver were prompt, courteous and professional, however, the outcome was less than satisfactory. Upon delivery it appeared that the car above mine leaked brake or transmission fluid onto my roof & hood, resulting in MAJOR discoloration.
If mine had been a fairly new car - rather than 10 years old - this would have been a disaster. As it was, with serious rubbing compound the remaining discoloration is unnoticeable unless you know what to look for.
The root cause was that the carrier had a full rack of "non-working" near-classic cars loaded on top. It looked to me that they were destined to be refurbished as all were in various modes of disrepair - missing hoods & fenders, etc.
My advice is: Regardless of the carrier you use insist that your vehicle be loaded and remain on top. I'm sure there are disadvantages of a top ride, but I don't think they override my experience.
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