Quick, Responsive, Easy to work with

Jeffrey Smith Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 5/4/2005 3:40:00 PM
After 2 weeks of waiting for my first broker to find a transporter, I was ready to give up and fly to South Carolina and drive my Infiniti QX4 to Washington State. I did more research and came across Specialy Mobile. After canceling my contract with my first broker I gave Specialty Mobile a call and spoke with Don and Dee. They were reassuring and very easy to work with. Within 12 hours they had procured a transporter and I received my vehicle a day earlier (6 days rather than 7) than I expected. With all of the horror stories I had heard and read, I was very apprehensive and concerned about the condition of my vehicle when it was delivered. I was thrilled to discover everything was in perfect order (other than road grime which is expected). I give Specialty Mobile 2 thumbs (way) up! Thanks for a great experience!