great service

mike jacobson Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 4/20/2005 7:44:00 PM
I contacted many companies and read many reviews. I chose this company because of all the positvie reviews. These positvie reviews are all well deserved. The mark of a good company can best be measured by what they do when something goes wrong, not when everything is smooth sailing. There were several problems which developed during the transport/ delivery WHICH WAS AT NO FAULT OF THIS CARRIER.But they went out of their way to remedy the problem. When their carrier truck broke down and made the delivery one day late. they drive drove through the night to accomadate my schedule for an early delivery the day after it was due. When the car battery was dead he went through great pains to jump it and make sure everything was ok before he left-- despite this taking an extra hour of his time. This is truly a company you can trust and I will be back doing business with them in the future!!