I shipped my car and apparently it disappeared

Katherine B Submitted this review about Skyline Express
Review made Live: 6/3/2012 2:04:00 PM
I shipped my car from California to Florida and it has been just short of a month and still have not received it. I called many times and I was assured it was on its way. HOWEVER during my last call I asked what state my car was in and their responce was "I do not know at this time". I then asked them to track it because it was taking so long. I was getting upset at this point. So I called the CEO of the company. I am not sure how this company stays in business because while I was upset I did not raise my voice until the CEO himself called me a liar and other names. He told me I would be lucky to ever see my car again. I myself do not run a business but if I did I certainly would not talk to a customer like that. I just now received my car after 6 weeks and meanwhile I tried to call back and the guys on the phone told me to "never call that number again". Well I am not planning to ever use or recomend this company ever again I did want my car back. After what seemed like endless calls on my end and complete lack of communication on theirs I recieved my car. I am happy to say my car was not damaged even though one of the employees threatened to take a baseball bat to it. Luckily they didn't and I have my little ford returned back to me. WARNING DO NOT EVER USE THIS COMPANY!!! I saw the reviews and thought I would take the risk however I should have known that wasn't a risk I wanted to take!!

Company Response
Enok Eo from Skyline Express Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/25/2012 11:35:00 PM
Please include proper Order ID and better description of your vehicle than your little ford. There is no record of ford, katherine, grace, or tiffany in our system that actually was transported to Florida that we had the vehicle in our possession more than 9 days