Classic Car Transport – Well done!

Nate Strickland Submitted this review about Showroom Transport
Review made Live: 11/22/2009 5:34:00 PM
I did a lot of homework before I chose Showroom Transport. After reading many customer testimonials on here, I found that it seemed like every company had a few problems. I jotted down a list of the companies of companies that had the best testimonials..I did not look at the 5 star ones, I looked at the bad reviews. Upon reading Showroom transports testimonials I decided to give them a call. The few bad testimonials they had were not really even that bad. The first Showroom Transport representative I spoke with was Victor. WOW, he really does speak a lot! He went over the whole procedure with me.

At that point, I became comfortable in my choice of Choosing Showroom Transport. The vehicle was passed down from my Father. This vehicle is a classic car that my father worked on for many years. I of course had them transport it in a closed trailer.

The vehicle did not run though because it was stored for sometime. The driver did have to call a towing company to bring it to his truck because there was no way the drivers truck could park close enough to my fathers home.

The vehicle was delivered in the condition I know it was the last time I saw it.

I am very satisfied with the service Showroom Transport provided.