Poor Customer Service-Thieves

Amber Submitted this review about Showroom Transport
Review made Live: 8/14/2008 3:08:00 PM
We booked Showroom Transport (AKA Military Auto Transport) to transport my husbands car from FL to RI. We paid half of the cost of shipping in advance, and booked the transport more than 2 months in advance at the request of Showroom, so they could secure a lower rate. Less than 12 hours later, we found out that my husbands transfer was put on hold. I contacted Showroom immediately to ask them to cancel the transport. They had just run my bank car less than 10 minutes prior to that for the half deposit ($448.00.) I spoke with Kim at Showroom and she said if I waited 9 days, she would process a full refund to my credit card. I waited the 9 days, and called back asking for the refund. Kim said she would gladly process the full refund. No refund as of 5 days later, so I called back. Kim again said she would process the refund. On August 13th, I received an invoice from Showroom showing a refund of $272.00 would be give. ($176.00 less than I paid) I immediately called Kim, and she said that the owner Ty Leckner said he would not process a full refund. Kim gave us Mr. Leckner's phone number and email, but Mr. Leckner will not return calls or emails form us.
What a way for a company called Military Auto Transport to treat a member of the military!