July 4 weekend transport

Pamela Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 7/15/2010 8:37:00 PM
The people at Honesty First were very patient and responsive. My partner's car was picked up really quickly from another transport company a week or two before and when mine didn't go immediately I got very nervous. They explained how it all worked and noted I could increase my bid if I wanted, which I did because I really wanted to get my car. Honesty First gets a fixed amount, so I was just paying more to the carrier (poor Honesty First). They also explained that I could offer to pay extra to the driver if I had more than 100 lbs in the car. But it was a great carrier - very timely and kept me up to date - and so overall I was very satisfied. The car was dirty, but of course it would be! It was not damaged, which was what was important.