Started out bad - but great in the end

Phil Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 12/16/2009 5:56:00 PM
I recently bought a '59 Edsel on eBay and needed it moved from Ohio to New York. I got half dozen quotes and red reviews both on this site and with the BBB and decided to go with Honesty First. The quote was right in the middle and sounded resonable.
THis wasn't my first time moving a car - I've had it dome at least a dozen times.
The car was available to be picked up last Friday and they assigned a carrier (Southeastern) that day for pickup the next day. The driver requested that the gas tank be drained and the battery removed (makes no sense, because the car won't run without gas or the battery, but this was done)
The driver called and confirmed the night before and the day of the pickup (Saturday) to confirm "I'll be there in 3-4 hours" after that, nothing...the driver never showed and couldn't be located by his dispacher. The Driver finally showed up on Monday with a full truck - no room for my car(???) and left. Both the driver and dispacher from Southeastern were very rude, swearing!
I contacted Honesty First to ask what was going on and they found another company (Pasco Express) who picked up the car Tuesday and delivered Wednesday. The driver & dispacher from Pasco were a pleasure to work with. I did get dinged for a Non-Op charge due to the car not running (thanks to Southeastern) but with everything that happened that was no big deal. (BTW - the car ran fine when gas was added and the battery hoooked up) The driver for Pasco really went above and beyond to get this barge of a car loaded!!
Extra special thanks to Nicole and Domonique who remained calm - even when I couldn't - They were very professional - even when I wasn't. The car arrived in fine condition - no damage - no problems. Yes, the car arrived dirty, but it is winter and with the snow that was expected.
The edited version of the review is that there was a bunch of grief on this one - but none of it was the fault of Honesty First! If you're looking for a reliable company to trust with your car, don't waste anymore time, Honesty First will not disappoint!