Great Experience

Elissa Burda Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 1/22/2013 9:25:00 AM
We had a very flexible delivery window, so Tim was able to give us a very competitive price. I figured because of that it would probably be a while after our pick up date of Jan. 14th for them to actually pick up the car. We received a call on the 12th letting us know our car would be ready for pick up on the 14th. The driver was very nice when the vehicle was picked up. The carrier was in constant communication with me regarding delivery time. It was delivered slightly later in the day then originally planned, but it worked out perfectly. The driver drove the car to my house since I had picked up my son from pre school and he is in a car seat. There wasn't a car seat in the car. I gave the driver a ride back to the transport vehicle. He was very nice. The car was dirty, which was too be expected after driving through all kinds of weather. We were very happy with the experience and would definitely use them again.