Excellent, Fast & Affordable

Brittanie Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 5/4/2012 12:55:00 PM
I could have never imagined that my car would be delivered so quickly. My husband conducted the pick up side in FL and the gentleman worked out a great place to pick the car up since his truck couldn't get in and out of the apartment complex. There was constant communication and my husband was impressed how quickly the car was loaded and on it's way. I never thought it would arrive in 4 days and was pleasantly surprised. They were even able to drop it off at our street despite my concerns about the suburban roads to get here. They took another set of pictures and we took care of the payment and were done. Having considered taking 9 days to drive with my 5 year old to flying and ship the car I would choose the latter every time and use Safe-Direct with out a doubt. With the cost of transporting the car at only $1,150 it was cheaper and way less stress then trying to drive and sleep in hotels. I have to say this was the one part of my move across the country that wasn't stressful.

Company Response
Michael Strickland from Ship a Car Direct Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/4/2012 6:54:00 PM
So glad this was the non-stressful part of your move, Brittanie! Thanks for the great recommendation! Please contact me again for any future car moves. 866-221-1664 www.shipacardirect.com