big truck transport

patti conn Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 4/26/2012 12:50:00 PM
My vehicle is a dodge ram 2500 with large tires and slight lift. I also live in Fresno, nowhere near any usual transport routes. These things made this situation a challenge for both the transport company and me, however we got it done. I ended up meeting my driver, Andre, in San Francisco on a Tuesday, because he would not be in my area until Wednesday and I would be unable to leave work to meet him in the Fresno area. So one last road trip in my big beautiful truck before it became my brothers new work vehicle. Andre met me close to the Embarcadero area of San Francisco and graciously took me over to the amtrak station to get back home.
The truck arrived in Kansas City, Mo at the exact time he had told my brother and they off-loaded it and everyone got back on the road. It was in the exact shape I had left it in and I thought price was very reasonable considering the size of the vehicle and timeliness of its delivery.
My experience with my broker, Tom, was also quite good. VERY good communication, keeping me up with how things were going to be and his honesty made me a very happy customer. I always prefer the cold hard facts to soft soaping and beating around the bush and he was the perfect broker for me.
Overall, I am glad its over because it is more stressful than I anticipated, but these guys all knew what they were doing and they do it well. patti

Company Response
Michael Strickland from Ship a Car Direct Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/26/2012 4:08:00 PM
Thank you for your very informative review, Patti! Some transport situations do have fewer options, so we prefer to let customer know exactly what to expect. Glad we could work together! Please contact me again for any future car moves. 866-221-1664