Tom / Safe-Direct Car Shipping

Morgan Marino Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 10/21/2011 2:16:00 PM
I heard about Safe-Direct Car Shipping from a friend who said they were excellent. When I got into contact with Tom, the broker at Safe-Direct Car Shipping, I finally felt like I met someone I could trust in this business. Tom didn't say what I wanted to hear, he said what was true. He never once fabricated the realities of autoshipping, like the other brokers I had talked to, in order to get my business. Tom was also available at all times, I never had to go through hoops to get into contact with him.

I was dispatched by the dispatcher at Safe-Direct Car Shipping to a carrier company. As the date came, the carrier kept calling me, pushing the pick up date farther back and back. The last time they called they informed me that my car would not be in California until far later than I discussed. I was livid and had had enough with this carrier. Because of the great relationship I had formed with Tom before, he was the first person I called. Tom was just as mad as I was. He stuck with me the entire time, not only as a great sounding board for my frustrations but also taking care of the problem. With in 3 hours, Tom has fixed everything, throwing out the old carrier and getting me a new much more reliable carrier of Mario Express. My car got out here 3 days after I was here, just like Tom promised.

Safe-Direct Car Shipping may cost a little more but that is because they know that honesty and reliability doesn't come cheap in this business. I could have paid less and still been dispatched the first bad carrier like i was, but I would not have had a broker like Tom to be so supportive and fix the entire problem. If I ever have to ship another car, I would choose Safe-Direct Car Shipping and will definitely recommend them to anyone else. Also- Tom deserves a raise.