ROBERT DEESE Submitted this review about Secure Auto Transport
Review made Live: 7/14/2008 3:27:00 PM
I got a quote from a lot of auto shippers. I have shipped cars many times before and had no problems with any shippers. I called Mike Perez and he said the total price would be $475. He took my credit card over the phone and charged it $125.00. I had thought that he charged $100 so I said "then I still owe $375" and Mike said "no Robert you will owe $350." So I said "do I pay the driver or you?" Mike said, "you pay the driver the $350." So I pointedly asked Mike Perez " so I pay the driver the $350 and not you?" and Mike said yes. When I paid the driver $350, the driver said we owe $400 and I said no Mike told me I was to pay $350. The driver called Secure Auto and Secure Auto told the driver it said $400. My contract said $350, but they told the delivery company $400.00. What a outright lie. When I called Secure to comlain a lady answered, she says it is on my contract, but if it is it is really hidden very well. I told her it was not on there and she says it is. Either way my deal was for $350 remaining balance and the contract plainly says total charge $475, deposit $125, remaining balance $350. Secure Auto promised the driver $400 and did not tell me or him of the discrepency until after the vehicle was delivered. I told them they need to disclose all charges at the time of the sale and do not try to slip in extra charges nobody knows about. I told them that they lied to the driver when they promised him $400 and they lied to me. Do not use them, they tell lies to make their living. I told them I would complain and they said you do whatever you think you need to do.

Secure Auto Transport, Inc.
1451 W. Cypress Creek Road
Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33309