Wrong Way Auto Transport

Devin Submitted this review about Rite Way Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/6/2011 8:39:00 PM
I called a month in advance to arrange my transport. The price seemed fair, and I was assured by Josh that the route I was requesting was one they ran several times a week. I was told I would be called several days in advance to verify pick up of my vehicle. The day before my scheduled pick up arrived and I hadn't gotten a phone call from anyone. I called and spoke to several people who all assured me Josh would call me back. He never did, and seemed annoyed when I finally got him on the phone. He assured me everything was in order and the car would be picked up within the next day or two, but that if I had a problem with the service, I should just cancel. 4 days later and my car still hadn't been picked up. I was living in a new city relying on my coworkers for rides to and from work. I called again and was told "no later than the end of this week.' The week rolled by and still nothing. At this point I was done talking to Josh and moved onto Jeff. He assured me they would have my car within the next two-three days, but the problem was none of the drivers wanted to drive in Wisconsin. Keep in mind this is the middle of summer, not winter. This is also after they assured me this was a regular route. Three more days went by and still nothing. Jeff then suggested I arrange pick up in a different city, as that might "help my chances". I called back and spoke with Josh who said he could arrange for my car to be dropped off in Chicago for a much lower price than what I had been quoted. Jeff then called me back to say that was incorrect and gave a higher rate than what I'd originally had. I was told the car would be picked up no later than 'Monday or Tuesday of next week'. The weekend went by and I heard nothing, so I called Monday afternoon and spoke with Josh. He once again assured me 'everything is underway'. I informed him that if the car was not picked up by the following day he was free to throw at my contract. Magically the next day, just two weeks late my car was picked up. I had to arrange for a friend to take time off of work to pick it up, and then I had to arrange to travel to Chicago myself. No discount was given, nor even an apology.

Save yourself the headache, go with a different company.