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David C. Mullen Submitted this review about Reliable Auto Movers Inc.
Review made Live: 10/21/2008 8:28:00 PM
I finally got my money back because my credit union paid it. As far as I know, they never got their money. I had to send them a copy of the contract and my letters requesting my money back.

There is absolutely no reason to use a company of this caliber. Too many hours talking, emailing and writing to liars.

The State of Florida is a joke. They take complaints and then have no power to collect anything. Then after they receive lies from this company, they call the case "closed".

Not sure about how far the US Postal Service, Department of Transportation, etc. will do. Hopefully, as Federal Agencies, they may actually do something.

The company I eventually used did not collect a deposit until my car was on the truck (next day after calling). It was delivered before the promised date (4 days promised).

Save the agravation and use a company that is honest.