This company is a scam!

Crystal Submitted this review about Reliable Auto Movers Inc.
Review made Live: 10/10/2008 3:49:00 PM
This company is a total scam - consumers beware! When I originally set up services with them, they assured me my car would be transported the weekend of 8/9/08. Mistake after mistake was made, and the next thing I knew, their data base stated that my first available pick up date was to be 8/23-8/26. I needed my car sooner than that, so cancelled with them and requested they refund my $200 deposit. Their salesman never even emailed me the contract like he said he would, so I never signed anything for them. Needless to say, when I received my credit card statement a few weeks later, they not only had failed to refund my $200 deposit, but they had charged my card TWICE! I have been dealing with this company for over 2 months now, trying to get $400 back. At first, they tried to work with me (inspite of their overall incompetance), but now they refuse to return emails and phone calls, yet still owe me $200 (I have in writing from Jasline that they were going to send me a check b/c they couldn't credit back my account b/c they have a different merchant service now). Jasline wrote the email on 9/11/08 stating that I would receive a check - it is now one month later, and they are yet to send me anything. Basically they stole $200 from me and now are just hiding behind voicemail and email and don't contact me back (when I do actually get to speak w/ someone when I call, they either hang up on me or "transfer" me to someone else...who doesn't answer, of course). I am a very patient, reasonable person, yet this company and the scams that they are trying to pull have made me very angry. I saw a report by someone else on line that they did the same exact thing to him and he still hadn't gotten his deposit back either. I honestly believe that they are scamming people and taking money that they are not owed. They should not be able to be in business, and I am going to do what I can to ensure they don't keep doing this to other unsuspecting people.