Please use another company!

Eugene Wingfield Submitted this review about Reliable Auto Movers Inc.
Review made Live: 8/22/2008 9:50:00 PM
I contracted with these people because they said they could pick my car up from PA soon. After completing the on-line contract and describing the car, 1979 MGB sports car, they agreed to pick it up. Truck arrived as scheduled and said the car was too small for his truck and he left it. Since I had to move it, owner I bought it from needed it removed. I had to rent a trailer and go and get it. I contacted Reliable to cancel the contract and ask for a refund since this clearly was not my fault that they do not know what will fit on their trucks. Well guess what! It is my fault, according to them I should have measured my car and told them! How stupid is that? Do they not know that a MGB is a spors car? If they do not know what will fix on their trucks they dispatch, then they have no business being in business. Bottom line is that I am noting getting my $125 deposit back. They did nothing and stole my money and from what I understand they do this often.

They are a bunch of bums!