Unreliable Auto Movers

Will Poole Submitted this review about Reliable Auto Movers Inc.
Review made Live: 7/2/2008 8:39:00 AM
I am in the US Army deployed to Iraq, I set the move up in May and was told no problem we can make sure you car is moved. Well I filled out the contract paid my $200 deposit and I thought I was good. Well guess what I was not. I called customer service, yeah that is a joke there is no customer service, but there is an answering machine. However there is no need to leave a message because they will not call you back. So finial the day after my car was to be picked up I get hold of a person that tell me we had a truck but due to fuel cost it was reassigned, but you are our number one priority. Well that was 2 Jun 08 it is not 2 JUL 08 so I hope you are not their number 2 priority. So two weeks passed still no car pick, no call as promised and no email, I call over and over from Iraq to final get hold of a person to give me a quote to have them put on the line with ELIJAH from customer service to refund me my money. Well two weeks later and I still have no money. Last call I made I was told the system went down but its priority 1 and it will be back in you account no later than Monday well it is now Wednesday and guess what no refund. DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE IT IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be reporting this company to the BBB. Learn from my and Many others very costly mistakes. Anyone want to file a class action suit please contact me and I will gladly join your team.