transporting daughter's car

Diana Davidoff Submitted this review about Regal Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/21/2011 11:20:00 AM
DON'T EVER USE THIS COMPANY!!! When I was trying to get quotes from companies to transport my daughter's car they called me non stop to get me to use them. I finally did because they gave me the lowest quote. Big mistake. Stephanie promised me the car would be picked up by the end of that week so that it would get to Florida while I was still there with my daughter but once I gave her the deposit of $125 I never heard from her. I called everyday and everyday they promised me it would be picked up "tomorrow" but never was. My daughter and I were getting ready to leave Connecticut for Florida and the car still wasn't picked up so when I called to tell them there would be no one here to give them the keys I was yelled at and told to calm down. We ended up having to leave the keys in the car for 2 days. The car ended up arriving after I had left Florida so my daughter was left to have to figure out how to find a way to meet the driver to get her car. The quote I was given was $575 and I gave them a deposit of $125 so the balance should have been $450 which my daughter was ready to pay when the car was delivered. Instead the driver said the balance should be $500 and could not give her the car until $500 was paid. I spoke to the supervisor and he said Regal Auto told him he will be receiving $500 when the car is delivered. What Regal Auto did was kept my deposit of $125 instead of paying the company that drove the car. It was a terrible experience and caused a lot of stress to what was already a stressful situation (my daughter
going to college).