Poor communication

Rick P Submitted this review about Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 4/14/2012 9:16:00 PM
For my transport I needed to be kept informed because I only had certain times to deal with Border Services for exporting the vehicle. I felt Tige fell short of keeping me informed. He called me and told me the driver had picked up the vehicle that morning and would be at the destination at 10am. the next day. I called my dealer and the vehicle had not been picked up yet. I called Tige back and he said he must have misunderstood the carrier company. I had to call my dealer back later before closing to see if the vehicle was picked up. The next contact I had with Red Carpet was an email saying the order was completed. I also ended up paying $495 with Tige reducing his brokerage fee $35

Company Response
Terry Williams from Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/4/2012 5:12:00 PM
Tige 480.478.0011 tige@redcarpetautotransport.com Rick, Thank you for allowing me to move your vehicle for you. We strive to make all moves as easy as possible. I do apologize for the mis-communication, it can be difficult to understand the drivers sometimes. I hope that if the need arises you will not hesitate to call on me again. Tige