Promised Partial Refund, then ditched me.

Tony Submitted this review about Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 12/20/2011 1:27:00 PM
In Feb I moved from AZ to Maine.

The service on the phone and the positive ratings I saw for Red Carpet made me go with them.

Overall the process wasnt bad - the driver picked up my car on time, and he delivered it early. When he arrived in Maine, he said I had to pay him an extra $200 because of his fees (tools , weigh stations, etc) so he essentially held my car hostage.

I paid him then called Red Carpet. They acted very concerned and said they were contacting the trucking company to get reimbursed because they said that was a practice that was not supposed to happen.

1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, nothing.

Then I started calling in to check on the status and all of a sudden Anthony was never in.

Anthony never returned my calls either when I left messages.

Finally I told them, if they would just send $100 (because Anthony told me that Red Carpet was going to pay $100 and the trucking service was going to pay $100) - I would call it even.

Again, they vanished like ghosts.

Really sad that they had to leave such a horrible taste in my mouth. But good part is, there are plenty of websites that specialize in reviewing auto transport companies. I want everyone to know what happened to me and how I got stiffed. Thanks