I had received 15+ quotes ranging from 300 to 700 while I was just considering shipping. Looked on here for a highly rated broker when I was finally ready to pull the trigger. I called a few of the top rated transporters and they all gave me various quotes again. Talked to Magic Carpet/Red Carpet/(other sister company) for a good while on the phone and little did I know...they'd pass my information to all of their sister companies for a quote. I received 6 or 7 emails after the initial conversation, Alice called and she answered any questions. I decided that they were personable and the price was fair considering they'd be able to get me a pickup the next day and deliver the following day. Went through the process and next thing I know "Yep, they'll pick up your car tomorrow evening." I told them the guy with the car would only be available before noon and after midnight. Another call comes back, "Yep they'll accommodate you and pick it up before noon tomorrow and expect delivery on the 8th." Car was picked up around 11, I got an email from Red Carpet telling me the car would be delivered on the 9th. I was a little disappointed but I guess it's better to over-promise than to under-deliver. Car came on the 8th, safe and sound. Nothing against the carrier or broker but it was an open carrier and there was soot on the car from the truck. For anyone else looking to transport their vehicle, go with whoever makes you feel comfortable and not just sounding like a salesperson. I had someone else from Magically Red Carpet call me and she quoted me around 385 after rebate, but she also said "hmm..what vehicle are you transporting again?" I won't name names but it didn't sound right so I went with Alice.
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