Worst Thanksgiving

kathy chan Submitted this review about Professional Moving Solutions
Review made Live: 11/30/2009 4:18:00 PM
I booked a week before Thanksgiving and was scheduled to be pick up on 11/25/2009. NO DRIVER on that day, Kyle "the dispatch" told me they will be closed for the holiday and he will still work on it over the weekend if not Monday will get it picked up. The weekend passed by, I had to leave my car with other. I am here in NY with no transportation, I had to rent an uhaul to move frunatuire to my new place, cost me more than going with another company. Monday arrived, NO DRIVER. called kyle, he said they just back to the office from the holiday (I am sure they enjoyed the holiday when I am stuck here with NOTHING) and have lots of they to catch on. He said he will try to get mine picked up asap. I got calls from other companies and they saw that my car is posted on their dispatch and explained to me why mine is not getting pick up from this company, so i decided to cancel the service and request a refund of the deposit. I am still waiting for my car to be pick up. so my story will be continue...

I don't recommend this "Professional Moving Solutions", they done nothing close to their name.