Excellent Dealership for Auto Transport.

Aravind Gangaiah Submitted this review about Phoenix Auto Transport Services
Review made Live: 8/5/2009 7:38:00 PM
Hi Guys,

Thank you everyone at Pheonix Auto Transport,specially Wendy for making my car shipping hassle free.

This is great company. They were the only one who quoted me a lower price compared to other service companies. Also since the time i singed my shipping agreement Wendy called me up regualrly and kept me informed. My Car was picked in about 2 business days and It was also delivered to me on time as stated at the time of pick up. The carrier they used was Blue Star Auto transport, they were very good. The car was dropped in a very good condition. Also the driver was very good in givings heads up as he came closer to the destination.

Over all it had been a very positive experience with Pheonix Auto Transport company.

Guys i recommend you to ship your cars through this company. I decided to ship only after reading couple of reviews about this company. Even though they quote less compared 2 others their is no Compromise to Quality of Service.

Sincere Thanks to Wendy