PO Box 87483
Tucson AZ, 85754-7483

QUser Question

What is the difference between an auto transport broker and a carrier?

What is the difference between a broker and a carrier?


We as tranport brokers are an agent that works on your behalf to make sure that the shipping process is handled with professionalism and care.   Once we receive an order we are working to make sure that any carrier we choose is fully insured, has an excellent safety rating and has excellent ratings for professionalism.   We provide timely and professional communication before during and after transport to make sure you are comfortable with the process from start to finish.

If you choose to work with a carrier directly, you should be prepared to request an insurance policy from the carrier and verbally verify that insurance is in force before allowing the carrier to load your vehicle.  Checking the safety rating for the carrier with the DOT is also very important to make sure your vehicle is handled safely.   Fianlly checking customer ratings for the carrier is very important as patterns of behavior can be found through feedback by others who have worked with that carrier in the past.

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