Late, Ignorant, Dishonest, Hostile and Blame Customer AVOID AT ALL COST

Scott M Submitted this review about Passport Transport
Review made Live: 1/27/2013 8:59:00 PM
Pay no mind to the good reviews here. Think about baseball. Why baseball? Because in baseball you only have to get on base 30% of the time to have most people think you are a superstar. But you arent playing baseball, you are moving a prized posession and the last thing you want is some ignorant person trying to weasel out of a contract or spin something to avoid doing work that is clearly quoted and very specific. You see, like baseball these guys hit a few home runs which reflect the good reviews here but they often strike the hell out.

Even worse yet, you dont want a driver telling you the sales people "know nothing" and that he doesnt get paid enough and that your car "isnt a Ferrari" Read on if I've peaked your interest or you are curious but then again, you can save some time and just pretend you never heard the name Passport Transport.

The reality is that when things go wrong with Passport Transport you can expect a conversation so ignorant, so disrespectful and so dishonest you cant imagine how they stay in business. These guys only get on base a fraction of the time.

I'm a member of several nationwide and several local car clubs with over 10 in all ranging from American classics to German sports cars and station wagons. I can tell you first hand most people are not pleased with this company after using them. I've moved several cars and quite frankly I could not have predicted what a bunch of losers these guys can be when things go wrong.

So here is the synopsis. I call to schedule a pickup using their "premium" door to door service. These guys were the most expensive of 5 quotes for "closed" and "door to door" but they were friendly so I used them.

They show up 2 weeks after the latest date of the range they gave me. Always big deal I thought. I figured they take their time. I'm easy going until I come head to head with idiots. Then I suffer no fools. Well, I got my chance.

The day of the pickup my phone rings at 9AM. The driver is calling me saying he cant get the truck down the street. I know a truck will fit so I ask how he knows. He says he talked to my mom (he made my mom cry, she wanted the car out no hassles) and she said the street was narrow. He is still 30 miles away he says. Since their door to door service is billed as a premium service (relax, we got your car) I'm dumbfounded by this call. And why is he calling me now, he hasnt even seen the street? Turns out he was trying to avoid some work by shaving a few hours off his trip but it gets better.

I carefully explained that you can turn on to this street from the northbound lane of the highway. He rudely and abruptly says "have you driven a big truck?". I reply yes, actually I have (a full sized Peterbilt) but regardless I've seen this turn done. Then he says, "well how do I get out?". I said well you either have to turn on one guy's property, or back across the highway later when there is zero traffic. He says he cant do that and cant wait.

I say well, you had the address (and Google Maps has street view) and I'm paying $800 extra for door to door. He then says "You dont understand, door to door isnt really door to door" and that he wants to see if someone can move the car for him. I remind him I'm in Seattle. He then goes on to say that he may not be able to deliver the car on the other side because "streets are tight out there" I ask again why I'm paying an extra nearly $800. I get a bunch of ignorant excuses and blame for others. He says I dont understand.

He then says the most ignorant thing ever. He says the sales people "dont know anything" and I say for $2300 they better know something. He then questions how much I'm paying and says I'm not paying enough for the extra work that needs to be done and if he cant get the truck in there we have to do something else. Turns out, the guy asked my 71 year old mother to drive this muscle car down the road to meet him. She was so stressed by this she cried. My mom was footing the bill for this move as a gift. He also says he has been moving cars for 30 years and never heard anyone paying so little. I'm like, are you kidding me, is this conversation real? Who is this truck driver to say these things, I didnt even negotiate with them, money is of no concern. This guy wasnt that smart and just blamed other people for his shortcomings.

Oh, it gets better. I start to get mad and drop some profanity. He tells me I dont know anything about "shipping cars" and I tell him I dont have to because I write contracts for a living, also have an engineering degree and know how to read. I told him to call dispatch and take it up with them. He says they "dont know anything"

He says I need to figure something out. I tell him "forget it, cancel the order". Now all of a sudden the guy is the nicest guy in the world. He tells me I cant cancel the order. I say sure I can. He says he has driven 150 miles out of his way. I say I dont care. He says we can work something out......that he will "walk a mile to get a car if he has to". Comical.......I had only asked him to walk 300 feet down this side street. I tell the guy forget it and hang up and dont dare show up at my mother's house.

He calls my mother and tells her he is coming. I'd already told my mom about the problems and to not talk to the guy. The weasel literally tells my mother he SHE HAS TO HELP HIM FIGURE THIS OUT. My mom is so stressed she cries again and tells him she cant help him. He used aggressive language, so much so my mother was worried he was going to show up at her house. I carefully explained to her that he couldnt take the car by force so dont answer the door. He also tried to explain to my mother that I was "crazy" and "unreasonable". Funny really. I'm crazy for sure but I wasnt unreasonable until I was dealing with typical bait and switch tactics.

Within 30 minutes the president of the company calls me. I informed him that I'd recorded the whole call (which was legal in the state I was in and I also informed the ignorant driver who consented and of course kept talking after being told 5 times)

I tell the president of the company this recording is going on Facebook or Youtube if he doesnt aplogize to my mother right now and only then he can call me back. He calls my mother only for damage control. He calls me back and offers me nothing but a new driver. Now I'd not have even taken a free shipping offer with these clowns so I tell him "nice job at damage control" and hang up.

Yup, thats exactly how it went down. I'm glad I recorded it because his driver told the president I was "unreasonable". Comical.......not only does Passport Transport lie but their own drivers state clearly their sales people are "clueless" and that they dont get paid enough.

Tell yourself, is this the type of company culture that should be moving your car? This company shouldnt even be moving cases of bananas

Company Response
Neil from Passport Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/31/2013 3:00:00 PM
This customer was extremely unreasonable and offensive. The customer insisted that our company operate in an unsafe manner and when we refused he bacame belligerent. His own mother apologized for his anger issues. This review is not accurate or objective. His use of profanity in both verbal and written communications was deplorable.