deposit and disappear

jon s Submitted this review about Official Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/27/2008 12:53:00 PM
I contracted with official. Their price was in the middle. I had not found this website until after the fact.
The eagerly processed my deposit of 175 and i was told they they contact me with a date. Trust me, my phone never rang once in the month i delt with official. They never once had a carrier that would transport my car for the balance of 900. I would call and ask if they had a date yet and the answer was, "the manager is working on the schedule and stuff". I inquired what "stuff" meant and it just meant stuff. No better answer.

Being a business owner for more than twenty years i can assure anyone that i have never had such poor service. For the few reviews on the site that gave 5 stars i would be very suspicious. Maybe they got lucky but i have never seen a leopard change its spots.

They did however refund my deposit after a month and i have since shipped with a carrier not a broker. My advise in the future would be to contact a carrier directly. This is the guy who has to put the wheels to the road. I would not go through a broker unless they have an an excellent rating and they are handling all of the detail while you are off on vacation somewhere. To pay a broker and then babysit is not the way business should work.