Fraud and cheat company

Singh Submitted this review about New Way Moving Services
Review made Live: 7/9/2013 2:06:00 PM
If you want to screw your move, order car shiping with these guys. Don't get lured by there a little lower quote price. I put order 1 month advance of my moving, I had to call them again and again 'when will be the pickup date'. just a weeek before my move they said they will assign driver and 2 days before my move said pay $200 extra otherwise my car will be left there and they are not going to move. Even I aggreed on that since I had no option. A day before my moving date I get another call from them and this time they asked $400 extra, finally I had to leave my car at friend's house and put another order. The represetative told me she is not going to refund my deposit/advance money, so I had to dispute payment. Worst than that it's the biggest blackmail I experienced on this compnay behlf in recent years. Terrible people. I wouyld rather had paied $100 extra and ordered my car shippment with a nicer company.