Positive experience shipping with Nationwide Transport Services

Sarjo Patrick Submitted this review about Nationwide Transport Services
Review made Live: 7/28/2010 5:35:00 PM
I would like to share my positive experience with all the potential customers who are out there wondering how fast, secure, and cost effective they can ship their cars nationwide. My experience is that "nationwide transport services", is committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. They were very prompt, professional and cordial throughout our transactions; from broker to driver. Although the truck driver was a little difficult to understand at times, he kept on updating me each day he got closer to the delivery location. He was initially scheduled to deliver my vehicle on Thursday, however, he was two days earlier than expected and dropped off my car at a shopping center very close to my apartment.

Therefore, I will definitely give John Halko and Nationwide Transport Services, a 5-Star ***** rating. I will also use them in the future should the need arise again.

I selected South Carolina as the Destination state because Atlanta was not listed as an option. This rating is sincere. It was not solicited at all.