Transporting my vehicle

christy Submitted this review about National Transport LLC
Review made Live: 7/30/2010 2:26:00 PM
I found this company on-line, checked the Better Business Bureau, read the comment section, and the complaint section to see what the turn around time was and everything checked out A-Ok. This company was rated tops, good comments from former prospects, handled complaints in a timely manner. So I took a chance and I'm glad I did and I would use them again, and again, and again. So to those who are in route or searching for a transporter this company is the one. My driver was awesome, he worked with me and had my best interest at heart, and was very professional. Thanks again National Transport LLC for assisting me and providing Top Notch service... The company e-mailed me back and forth to let me know the where abouts of my vehicle. I felt very special, and not worried at all while my vehicle was enroute to it's final destination. The company even thanked me for choosing them once the delivery was completed and asked if there was any problems or mishaphs with the delivery. All I can say is WOW! I was really blessed to have found such a caring, and people oriented business who is really there for the customers as well. My vehicle was delivered on time, in good condition, the driver even called me to let me know he was 30 minutes away before dropping the vehicle off to me. All I can say is I was really pleased.

Christy P.