
connie Koumjian Submitted this review about National Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 5/22/2012 3:15:00 PM
Car promised for delivery on day 8. Some hours later I was called by the driver who then said he could deliver the car the next day. I could not be available as I had made travel arrangments for the next day and believed that the car would have already been delivered.
I was told someone would contact me the following Monday as the original delivery promise was for Friday. No one called me Monday. I tracked down someone from the company who said the car would be delivered Tuesday eary morning and that the driver would contact me that evening. The driver did not call me that evening. I called Monday morning to the main company and was told that the car would be delivered by noon Tuesday and that he would call that evening. Since the driver did not call, I called the next day and checked in with National Tuesday morning. The person from National said the driver would deliver by noon Tuesday and that did happen.