Horrible Experience

Joy Submitted this review about National Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 10/25/2008 2:50:00 AM
This was the worst experience I've ever had!!!

I researched several transport companies, read a number of reviews, and decided to go with NAS based on previous reviews. So many people raved about their promptness, honesty, and knowledge, but sadly I was very disappointed.

I called on September 29th to schedule a pickup for October 13th. I spoke with Mannie, and he was very nice, knowledgeable, explained everything to me. He asked if my vehicle could be picked up between October 11th & 13th, so it could go out on the truck on the 13th. I was fine with that arrangement. I was told that I would be contacted 12 hours in advance by the driver.

Monday, October 13th I still hadn't received a call from the driver or from NAS, so I called NAS to find out when my vehicle would be picked up. They informed me that they would be calling within the next 2 hours, after the driver checked in with them...3 hours went by and still no call. I called them back to follow up. They informed me that the driver called to check in and was having problems with the truck, and they would call me as soon as the driver got the problem fixed. By 3PM PST I still hadn’t heard from NAS or the driver, so I called again to follow up with them and they informed me that my car would be picked up the next day. My boyfriend and I both had flights scheduled for later that evening, so I changed his flight so they could pick up the car from him.

Tuesday morning I contacted NAS again to find out what time my car would be picked up, and I was informed that the original driver wouldn't be able to pick up my car and they would have to give the order to another company. Later Tuesday afternoon I contacted NAS again, and they gave me the information of the company (Grand Auto Transport) that would handle the transport. They also informed me that my car would be picked up the following day, and I should receive my car by the 20th.
I contacted the Grand Auto to get an estimated pick up time, and they asked if my car absolutely needed to be picked up on Wednesday because the driver might not be able to get to it on Wednesday. When he mentioned he may not be able to pick it up, I questioned when my car would be delivered to me in Texas. He informed me that my car wouldn't leave LA until the 20th, and I would receive it on the 22nd. I was a little shocked since I had just spoken with NAS, and they informed me that I would receive my car on the 20th. After discussing the situation further, we decided that my car could be dropped off at the terminal they day of my BF's flight since they're located next to the airport.

On Wednesday I contacted NAS to discuss the misinformation that I received from them. I spoke with Justin, and he said that it was unacceptable that 1. My car be dropped off and not picked up 2. My car sit at the terminal until the 20th since they try to avoid using terminals 3. The information they have and the information that I received be completely different. Finally I was happy because I thought for a second that maybe NAS was on my side, and understood my frustration. Justin said that he would contact Grand Auto, and call me back. Unfortunately Justin never called me back.

The most pathetic thing about this whole situation is the fact that NOT ONCE did someone from NAS call me. It was very frustrating to say the least. Not only did I have to change travel arrangements, but I was stranded for days without any transportation and I'm 8 months pregnant!!! I left several messages for Mannie, and he never returned my calls. I left messages for Justin after I had spoken with him on Wednesday, and he never returned my calls. I completely understand that things happen; trucks break down, but at least contact your customers and let them know what's going on. The level of communication and the level of respect did not exist. I will never use National Auto Shipping again!!! The only good thing was that their price was relatively good, but I would rather pay more and not have the headache of dealing with NAS!

After sitting at the terminal for several days, my car finally left LA on the 20th and was delivered to me on the 22nd.
Grand Auto was really great. Jack contacted me several times 1. To make sure my car was still being dropped off at the terminal 2. To inform me that my car left LA on Monday the 20th 3. To inform me where the driver was located on Wednesday morning and how much longer he would be. My boyfriend also said that Jack was very nice when he dropped my vehicle off. I would do business with Grand Auto Transport again, but I would definitely cut the middle man out!!!