Just signed the contract - service to be performed soon

Tonya T-H Submitted this review about National Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 10/18/2011 2:51:00 PM
13 Oct 2011
I recently collected several quotes from auto transport companies (13 Oct 2011) and have found National Auto Shipping (NAS) to be very fair in their quote. I have only dealt with Manny so far. He has been very polite and prompt with return calls and emails up to this point. I did call his office and the lady that answered the phone tried to filter the call and did not immediately patch the call to him, but I don't expect her to. He's probably busy and she can help in that area. I play "linebacker" for the physicians I work with. You can't send every call to them or other things would never get done. I'm okay with this so far. She was helpful and answered my questions.

Most people that are not happy will take the time to write a bad review. Rarely do you get honest great reviews. My intentions here are to give credit where credit is due.

I have read all sorts of reviews as this is a scary event for anyone, especially if it is the first time they have used such a service. I am in the military and have only ever had a vehicle shipped once...overseas (the military chose the port and carrier). There was a little damage to our hood, but we were compensated for it. Now we are doing this on our own (not for a military move) and experiencing it all for the first time.

So far, I have been very pleased with this company and if all goes well, I will recommend them to several other military members as the military will NOT ship cars for stateside moves. That is the responsibility of the member. You can only drive one vehicle at a time so if you have others, this may be a valuable service. Having a company with a good reputation and recommended by other military members is nice to have...so, with that said, I will let you all know how this proces goes, because that is the fair thing to do.

Stay tuned. I will update and edit as this process transpires.

21 Oct 2011
I called to check on the update of my vehicle pick up and Roxanne informed me that the driver they had unfortunately had difficulty with his truck. She is actively looking for a new driver for me. I will check back monday morning.

Company Response
Manny from National Auto Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/9/2011 10:53:00 AM
Sales@nationalautoshipping.com / Direct 877-393-3232 Ext 12 Manny Great Service and communication everytime, call us today for a FREE quote and FREE 5 STAR SERVICE. thanks again.Best regards, National Auto Shipping