Best Experience - 1969 Corvette - Ca. to Wa.

Mark Kowall Submitted this review about NTA Motorsports Inc.
Review made Live: 3/30/2010 11:16:00 AM
Truly an amazing experience!!!

I booked my move through United Freight of America. I was very wary of all carriers because almost everyone had some sort of negative feedback. But I felt UFA was being very upfront and honest and Paul who booked me was understanding and assured me I would be well taken care of. After I booked and gave my deposit to UFA they told me I would be getting NTA Mototrsports as my mover, I looked them up on here and was shocked to see the feedback! I immediately cancelled the move and UFA was shocked to see the feedback as well and worked with me to find another carrier.

Meanwhile, Nick from NTA called me to arrange a pick up time, I relayed to him that the trip was cancelled due to very harsh negative feedback on this site. Nick assured me that the story being told by the 2 customers here were very different than reality. I had some good conversations with Nick that evening and he sent me multiple references for his work. I called them all, and they all checked out positive. I decided to take a chance and follow my gutt feeling that Nick was a good guy that was wronged by some customers that did not want to pay for their moves.

I'm GLAD I DID!! Nick and his wife picked up my car the next day, did a detailed report on its condition and took an odometer reading. Throughout the trip Nick called me with status reports of where they were and we settled on a delivery time of Monday 9am the night before. He was right on schedule, if not early!

When Nick showed up, his rig was very nice, clean and state of the art. My car was gleaming and not a scratch on it. We went over it again, checked the odometer and he even made sure I had gas in the tank.

First class service all the way! I will use Nick and his Wife for all my moves and pass his name on. He can use me as a reference anytime!!!