GELINDA HAYES Submitted this review about Move On Time
Review made Live: 6/20/2008 11:44:00 PM
Once my deposit was received Leroy(Move on Time Rep.) was rude and not helpful. He told me he had nothing else to do with the move. He also told me to call the carrier with whatever issues or problems I had. The carrier that was contracted by Move on Time was even worst. He is full of excuses, lies, and not professioanal at all. Both the carrier and the Move on Time representive need customer service courses. I would not call this company or carrier to move trash in the futre. I've never been talked to so rude by a supposely business in my life. They tell you they can pick-up and deliver your requests dates with no problems. Nothing but liars. I think they are scammers that work together. They will give you an initial quote and then charege you more to have changes make to your order. They tell you they can do this and that, but they do what they want and when they want.

Company Response
leroy bruton jr from Move On Time Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/15/2008 2:07:00 PM
The order was taken and we had the vehcile assigned to a carrier but he could only pickup the vehcile a day after she requested,she didnt agree, so we kept looking,we found a carrier enclosed for 1500 cash on delivery (c.o.d.) she agreed. we dispatched the driver and delivery was a day or two late due to some complications in route, the customer couldnt understand how someone could have a delay,everyone knows when you are driving anythng can happen out of the blue which is what happened in this case.