Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Paul Submitted this review about McNutt Auto Logistics LLC
Review made Live: 5/1/2012 1:36:00 PM
This was a terrible experience I don't care to repeat. Vehicle was picked in a timely manner but that's where the competence ended. My vehicle was last on the truck and first to be unloaded - It took 8 days 4/17 to 4/25. I heard every excuse in the book from the actual hauler and driver. I never recieved any proactive updates - I had to call everytime I wanted info. Then vehicle had damage when it finally arrived. McNutt doesn't handle their own transport claims - I was bumped over to the hauler. I don't expect anything will be done. There were a couple of very nice people at McNutt that I was dealing with on the phone. This was the only bright spot in this whole situation. Unfortunately they have no action to take with a deadbeat carrier. I recommend only using a carrier who has their own trucks and a chain of command in place. There are no system of checks and balances with this type of company.

Company Response
Brandy Watson/ Kathy Barnett from McNutt Auto Logistics LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/21/2013 2:58:00 PM
The unit was originally scheduled for pickup on 4-17-2012, however carrier worked with the pickup location and made revised arrangements to pickup the unit on 4-19-2012 to accommodate the pickup locations schedule and delivered on 4-25-2012, six days later. The unit picked up in Colorado Springs CO and was transported to Jefferson City, MO. a total of 746 miles. The carrier did run late from their original estimated delivery date of 4-19 due to the delayed pickup and other deliveries along the way. The carrier gave Paul a $100.00 discount on the transport of the unit because of the delay. It is common for carriers to pickup and deliver multiple units along a route and unfortunately delays do happen because of this. Paul also received a 100.00 refund from McNutt Automotive Logistics because he disputed the rate he was charged. Paul said he was originally quoted $618.00 instead of the 718.00 we invoiced him for.