Recent transport was horrible

Kristen Submitted this review about Mariupol Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 2/1/2008 12:39:00 PM
I recently had this company transport my car from Wyoming to Washington. They told my parents they would pick it up and they were a day late, my dad had to drive a hundred miles to drop off the car. One driver told my dad it would be Monday drop off. I called Monday the driver told me maybe later or Tuesday. The driver calls me Tuesday night saying they would drop off Wed AM. I had to call the company Wed morning to see where they were, and the truck was broken down the driver once again said later they were in NY. I call Thur to the Company and they say it will be dropped off, at about 7 the driver calls saying they are coming maybe 1-2 hours. They did not drop my car off Thursday night at all. I call Friday at 8:30 am and the man says they are coming today and I asked when he says 3 hours. At 1 pm they dropped off my car to my house. The truck was parked somewhere and they used another car to follow to my home. The driver rushes me to sign and give him his money. I go to run an errand and my tank that was full when loading was on empty and there were 559 miles on the trip counter. That means that in the week it was on the truck 450 miles were put on my car. I was shipping my car to save miles and they just put 1/4 of my drive on there. My dad has been contacting the company all week and only spoke to Igor once. He said he would look into it and call my dad back. We have not heard anything since then and continue to call. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!