Out of business?

Brian Parker Submitted this review about Mainline Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/9/2007 3:56:00 PM
I had a lovely talk with J.P. in the sales/quote department. He was the only guy who promised me a day. It was Wednesday when I ordered and he said it would be picked up Thursday afternoon, Friday morning at the latest. The prioce was reasonable and J.P. seemed like a regular guy.

Once Friday came, I called back and J.P. said he would check on it and call me back. I called him back Monday and asked what happened, he thought it was already picked up. He checked with dispatch again and said it would be picked up on Tuesday, Monday morning at the earliest.

After this point, I wasa getting upset, so I left another message for J.P., then another, then another. I tried calling him all week lonng leaving messages with J.P. and customer service. I continued to try unsuccessfully into the next week until the phone jsut started ringing with no machine to pick it up.

Now it's a couple of weeks later. I called back again today to try once more, this time I got a machine that answered and said they were moving and their phone would be disconnected until Saturday, May 5 -- it's Wednesday, May 9 right now and the message is still up. At this point I've called to dispute the charge. I sincerely hope the credit card company recognizes them as fraud given the message and they get nothing from me.

I was very willing to work with them and be polite and forgiving. But after two weeks of no responses and no returned calls, I'm a little upset.