Quality of service

Neal Thornberry Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/27/2011 6:51:00 PM
This is the first time I have used Magic Carpet because they were listed in the top 3 on the auto carrier review list. Hillary was always upbeat and cheery and kept me informed. I got a little nervous when I was told by a competitor that Magic Carpet had quoted me too low a price for shipping 2 cars at the same time in an enclosed carrier from CA to FL. The competitor told me that even though I have given Magic carpet a 3 day window of time 3 weeks in advance that they would not be able to find be someone at that price and then they would try to up the cost. So I was a little suspicious. And I did not have a scheduled pick even after 2 weeks in that 3 week window of time. So I called Hilliary and told her what the competitor had said. She told me not to worry and she looked at her data again and told me that their price was right in line with what they were seeing on the net.

And she was absolutely spot on. the week before the cars were to go, Bill the driver called me and said he would be available 4 days earlier if I wanted. He was at our house the nexd day and picked up the cars in FL and delivered them in flawless condition 7 days later in CA. I have shipped a number of cars back and forth over the years but Red Carpet sourced the best driver I have had yet. Thye had used him before and only recommend folks that they can trust. My brother then sent his car up from FL to OH the next week and used Hillary at Red Carpet as well. He shipped in an outside carrier and got flawless delivery again. Red Carpet was top notch. Not a glitch. I can highly recommend them based on my experience with then compared to some others I would not recommend.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/28/2011 5:00:00 PM
Response by Hillary Bergeson (Call or email me for a quote today 360-834-2900X204 or Hillary@MagicCarpetAutoTransport.com). Hi Neal! Thank you for you review, recomdendation, and the referal of your brother. It was a pleasure assiting both of you with your moves and i hope you'll think of us in the future. =)