
Shelly Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/12/2007 1:05:00 PM
I visited several sites online before making my choice to use Magic Carpet. We had to ship 2 vehicles in April, and then another one in June. The price ranges I found during my search varied from fairly low to ridiculously high. Some sites had actual quotes viewable on their websites, others required you to input information and wait for an email. Magic Carpet used the email method. I had a terrible time getting any response from the lower priced companies once the email had been received. I questioned some of the quotes from the higher priced companied and they were quick to begin knocking anyone who charged a lower price, and had a list of excuses as to why their prices was so high.

I chose Magic Carpet because all of my contact with Crystal Varnes was positive, whether is was via email of by telephone. She explained the process and made sure I knew what to expect, and I encountered no surprises along the way. In fact, I have scheduled our 3rd vehicle for pick-up next week. And, believe it or not, it was cheaper than the original quote.

Overall, I was very pleased with my experience in dealing with Crystal and Magic Carpet, and would recommend them to anyone needing to ship a vehicle.